About Us


We are an established team of specialist neurological therapists with an extensive range of experience, knowledge and skills providing rehabilitation across Nottingham, Derby, Leicester and the East Midlands.  The team is led by 6 directors (Ruth Sturt, Fiona Logan, Rachel Marsden, Matt Cave, Rachel Craft and Kate Caldwell) and we have all worked in the business for many years prior to leading it.


We are a large team of therapists and assistants and all are specialists within our own profession with a breadth of experience and skill. The team includes specialist neurological Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language therapists, a musculoskeletal PT, assistants and an orthotist. We can offer single therapy input or multi-disciplinary input, including case managed patients.

It is an attractive team to be a part of due to the commitment within the team to maintaining a specialist service. Each individual in the team is provided with specialised clinical support and ongoing development.  Every member of the team has a high level of knowledge and skill and commits to continually updating these specialist skills. 

The business was founded by Erica Malcolm, who is now the lead consultant therapist, offering expert clinical treatment and opinion. Clients may have opportunity to meet Erica through the joint sessions she provides to therapists as she supports their learning and enhances the treatment provided.  She also provides training to the team.  

Our team of valued therapists are respected in their own right, and encouraged to continually develop their skills. Our therapists are professional, knowledgeable and highly skilled in hands-on treatment to maximise alignment with muscle lengthening and strengthening to achieve improved function with client centred goals.

Physio Where You Are is the trading name of PWYA Ltd. Company registered in England and Wales No. 12016926